
The treasurer receives and accounts for all money belonging to the county. The treasurer collects real estate and mobile home taxes, provides information regarding real estate taxes, manages county investments, and handles vehicle titles and licensing. The Jerauld County Treasurer’s office also issues South Dakota Drivers Licenses. We are county issue only so we issue a temporary paper permit until your license is sent to you in the mail. The primary duty of the treasurer is to manage all the county’s funds.

Motor Vehicle In South Dakota

The county treasurer is responsible for issuing motor vehicle titles, licenses, registrations, and recording liens. Although the Division of Motor Vehicles is the central state office for maintaining accurate motor vehicle records, it is the county treasurer who enters the vehicle information into the central database. This vehicle registration information is not only important to counties, but also other state agencies as well as your local police and sheriff's offices. Vehicle licensing is an important responsibility and necessary for local governments. The money generated from licensing helps maintain your local roads and bridges. South Dakota residents have 45 days from the date of purchase of a new or used motor vehicle to transfer the title to their name. Penalties will apply after 45 days. There will be a 4% excise tax imposed on most motor vehicle transactions unless exempt. The tax is based on the purchase price.

Vehicle Registration
is on a staggered licensing system based on the first letter of the owner’s last name. Refer to the following to determine which month your vehicle licenses will expire.
January: A, B
February: C,D, E
March: F,G, J
May: H,I,O
June: K,L
July: M, N
August: P, Q, R
September: S
November: T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Property Tax collection is one of the main duties of the treasurer’s office is to collect property taxes, which account for the majority of revenue in county budgets. The treasurer, as the tax collector is responsible for collecting all property taxes for the county, cities, school districts and any other political district authorized to levy real estate taxes.

Tax Deadlines
First Half due by April 30 • Second Half due by October 31 • Deadlines for Freeze on Assessments - April 1st • Deadline for Sales or Property Tax Refund - July 1st All mail payments must be post marked by April 30th for first half and October 31st for second half to avoid interest.

Assessment freeze applications for the elderly and disabled need to be filed with the Treasurer's Office on an annual basis on or before April 1st. You must be 65 or older, or disabled on January 1st and meet the income guidelines to qualify. Household income includes all sources, including Veterans Assistance Benefits, Social Security, Medicare and Disability payments.

We accept cash, check Visa, Mastercard & Discover (service fee applies) in person or over the phone.

Drivers Licensing

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Titles & Licensing

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Treasurer- Lisa Younie

[email protected]

Deputy- Vacant

[email protected]

Office Hours

Mon.- Friday
8 AM - 12 Noon
12:30-4:30 PM



PO Box 346
Wessington Springs SD