Sheriff's Office

It is the obligation of the Sheriff's office is to maintain law and order within the county. We perform many duties within our office. We pursue all active warrants and other process from the court. We also handle the civil process for Jerauld County, issue all pistol permits, and do NIBRS reporting to the Attorney General's Office in Pierre. We also provide law enforcement services to Alpena, Lane, and all points in between.

Conceal Carry
The applicant must come to the sheriff's office in person and complete an application.  After the application is signed, a background check will be done before a temporary permit is issued.  The State of SD will mail the permanent permit within 30 days.

Pistol Permit

Emergency Management

The Jerauld County Office of Emergency Manager is responsible for preparing the county for possible disasters from preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation of future disasters.

County Fire Chiefs
Wessington Springs - Jim Vavra
Alpena - Ryder Schweitzer

Tornado Fact Sheet
Winter Storm Fact Sheet

Jerauld County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

Blizzards, tornadoes, and floods are a few of the natural hazards that strike this part of the country. Events like this have the potential of causing thousands of dollars annually in damage to property. To lessen the impact of these disasters in the future, Jerauld County is beginning the process of updating its current Hazard Mitigation Plan. A series of meetings, which are open for the public to attend, will occur this year to obtain input as the plan is developed.
The first meeting will be held at the Jerauld County Courthouse on April 8, 2025 at 1:00 PM. Agenda items for this kickoff meeting will include a discussion of hazard mitigation concepts, a review of the County’s current hazard mitigation plan, and a discussion about the planning process going forward.
Another way to contribute to the planning process is to fill out a survey. A hard copy of the survey can be obtained at the Jerauld County Emergency Management Office, by going to, or by scanning this QR code:
For more information, please contact the Jerauld County Emergency Management Office at [email protected] or by calling 605 539-1311. You can also contact John Clem at 800 952-3562 or by email at [email protected].

Emergency dial 911

Sheriff & EMS

Jason Weber

[email protected]

Administrative Assistant
Regina Teveldal

Mike Krueger
Paul Sheldon

Dawn Lake

Office Hours

8:00 - Noon
12:30 - 4:30PM


Mailing Address

PO Box 453
Wessington Springs SD